Daily Panty Blog

Blueberry grapes, how do you know when they are ripe?

Waking up with an erection is common, but on occasion you work harder in your dreams than in your jeans. On these days you may wake up with achy balls, very likely you will also notice those globes glow a fabulous purplish/blueish hue. From a Dominant, ‘blue balls’ are a gift, a sign of care […]

Daily Panty Blog

A visit to the Playgirl Mansion

The envelope was hand delivered under my door at night, plain white oversized and matte with only the trademark bunny symbol in purple on one side. I opened it to reveal a one sided cardstock invitation also starkly white in matte finish with text in the the same colour purple that read: “Happy birthday cupcake, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Schleppy pants

There’s a pair of pants you wear on days when you want to be surrounded by comfort. These are the pants you wear when you spend the day on the couch, when you have to put something on to take out the trash, when you are on your period, when Netflix becomes a social calendar, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Dress like nobody’s watching

Singing in the shower is a way people amplify the sound they wish they could project to the world. Everyone sounds better in the shower because of the acoustics and the warmth of the steam warming your vocal chords. What you picture is different, often it’s Carnegie Hall or Madison Square Garden, somewhere others would […]

Daily Panty Blog

Wearing socks in bed and other horrible fetishes

No, i don’t mean it, i would never describe fetishes as being horrible. There might be horrible people doing horrible things, but one thing i will never do is shame someone for their fetish. I’m the type of person who gets in bed with cold feet (sorry), and then an hour later i am a […]

Daily Panty Blog

Bouncing balls, and dribbling on the hard wood

There’s no reason why kink can’t be silly, or even an amazing way to stay fit. One of my earliest fantasies was playing a game of tennis with a female friend of mine who was much better than i was, wearing tight and torn shorts that embarrassingly disintegrate and expose me as i struggle for […]

Daily Panty Blog

Congratulations, it’s a brat!

With bright eyes and the purest intentions, they come into our lives full of energy, and ready to affix themselves to, and insert their imprint on what was and is to become the new status quo. Taking bigger and bolder steps as they grow, they start to test the boundaries, get a little bolder, and […]

Daily Panty Blog

Why you should open up

Allowing others to know what you are thinking is a treasured experience, one you can share, gift, enjoy as often as you like, but there’s a catch – opening up means admitting to something you didn’t intend for others to know – it’s not simply about saying what’s on your mind. When you open up […]

Daily Panty Blog

Inside the scoops

It’s such an unlikely source of pleasure, if one considers everything we knew about our butts before we knew it’s full potential. For its beauty, its ability to take a beating and for the hidden gems that lie beneath, exploring the cavernous reaches of our backsides is a wonderful endeavour. Appreciating the tush begins aesthetically, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Looking through the finer details

It’s common for submissives to become passive when it comes to understanding what is behind many of the finer details of BDSM. In part this is due to a desire to be given permission to experience it fetishes, or seek only details that are of interest to a Dominant. Research however, is important in BDSM […]