Hemp Jute RopeIt ties me up Feels so good Tight around me Intoxicating smell Makes me go Tie me all up Bind my limbs Make me helpless Make me Yours With that hemp jute rope –Mark Mostly untreated jute. Have tried with some cotton rope but it wasn’t very good. My knots need a lot […]
Tag: kink
I decided to focus my research around the benefits of participating in BDSM from an emotional and mental state of well being, what the psychological effects are, and how to get the most out of BDSM to promote a healthy mindset. The first article examines kinks and fetishes, how they impact the mind and what […]

This week we are exploring the psychology of kink in the Dungeon. Exploring the meaning behind different feelings through researching and understanding the connection to the mind behind the various aspects of D/s, as well as kinks and fetishes. The tasks for this week assigned by Lady A will require the submissives to share how […]
That old shed in the woods

Those movies where the friends dare each other to go into a haunted house on occasion depict scenes of triumph and moments of confidence and achievement. It’s typically not a mission participants willingly sign up for. What i recall the most about those scenes are two things. 1. The hero / protagonist usually carried something […]
Thick skin

One of the amazing aspects of being among the kink community at large is the acceptance and inclusivity of all variations of diversity. It does not mean we are free from judgement or prejudice however, and we should remember that it requires discipline and dedication to remain in a positive headspace and routine. So many […]

Very few things in life are black and white, but as rule followers or rule breakers, we regularly define our actions by the reason for or against competing priorities. A fear of being seen as a someone without ideals or values causes us to choose a position, and rarely change course after. Charting out new […]

No, i don’t mean it, i would never describe fetishes as being horrible. There might be horrible people doing horrible things, but one thing i will never do is shame someone for their fetish. I’m the type of person who gets in bed with cold feet (sorry), and then an hour later i am a […]

There’s no reason why kink can’t be silly, or even an amazing way to stay fit. One of my earliest fantasies was playing a game of tennis with a female friend of mine who was much better than i was, wearing tight and torn shorts that embarrassingly disintegrate and expose me as i struggle for […]
Do you need protection?

Pride can sometimes prevent us from making sound decisions, whether it is decisions in sexual practices and sexual partners, or engaging in fetishes and scenes. Something often overlooked is the role of the protector, and the need for having someone to help evaluate situations that could place you in harm. When the discussion of exploring […]
If I won the kinky lottery

Lifestyle Discussion Topic: I just won the kink lottery and the Dungeon makeover of my dreams. The shed in the back is finally transformed into a velvet encased lounge, with a few comfortable leather benches, a St. Andrew/’s Cross, many tie points and O rings installed through, with large viewing doors and windows to the […]