First, thank you… I joined Diva’s Dungeon two years ago, I never thought it would have such the amazing impact on my life that it has. The members here have always had a knack for bringing out the best in each other, this was due to their remarkable ability to be vulnerable with one another […]
Tag: thank you
Weekly Recap: Medieval Times
Shoutouts Lots of buzz in the Divas Dungeon last week. Many new subs entering their trial period. Dommes Learning the ropes and joining the Family on our kinky journey! Our trail subs are rocking it and showing they belong inside the Divas Dungeon! There are big changes going on in the Dungeon, our notion workspace […]
Weekly Recap: Rope Week
Shoutouts Divas Dungeon would like to extend a warm welcome to Madame Folk, the newest Domme to join our kinky family! Happy to have you with us during our journey Madame Folk. Along with Madame Folk, Justin and Nick have joined the Dungeon as the newest trial subs, continuing their journey here at the Divas […]
Weekly Recap: Fashion week
Shoutouts What a fun week in the Divas Dungeon! We would like to give a shoutout to our newest Domme, Mistress Terena! Welcome aboard Mistress Terena, we are excited to have You with us on our kinky journey and looking forward to your guidance. We also have a new permanent Dungeon sub mark! Welcome aboard […]
Weekly Recap: Psychology
Shoutouts Would like to give a special shoutout to mark and danny, you two are rocking it! Keep up the great work! Both Danny and mark have stepped up in our Dommeslife chat room, added some new daily discussion topics as well. Stop by in Kik and say hi today for some good conversation. […]
The Human Mind on BDSM

For this assignment, I read four articles about BDSM and the psychology behind it. All four of them focused on the effects of what it is like to be in a BDSM relationship. starts with the question by asking “Are they sick?” and going into an explanation of how Freud’s psychology would view it as […]
Inside the scoops

It’s such an unlikely source of pleasure, if one considers everything we knew about our butts before we knew it’s full potential. For its beauty, its ability to take a beating and for the hidden gems that lie beneath, exploring the cavernous reaches of our backsides is a wonderful endeavour. Appreciating the tush begins aesthetically, […]
On being an open book

I am addressing all of you who choose to read this, and i am thankful that you do. Recently i started posting my blog publicly and not just to our Dungeon website, a trove of information about our private Femdom group and resources for public consumption. It can be exhausting. Confronting readers, whether i am […]
Why glitter

If someone came up to you and said: “I want you to go get the messiest thing in world, smear it all over yourself first thing in the morning, don’t clean it off until the end of the day so it gets into everything, your clothes, your house, your car, your bed, your hair your […]
The instructions were simple. Do not move. His visit to his Dommes house was like any other. Upon arriving he knocked on the center of the front door. Three knocks, each one second apart and not too hard. As he waited patiently to be granted permission to enter the house, he took a moment to […]