Those movies where the friends dare each other to go into a haunted house on occasion depict scenes of triumph and moments of confidence and achievement. It’s typically not a mission participants willingly sign up for. What i recall the most about those scenes are two things. 1. The hero / protagonist usually carried something […]
Take me like a princess
Delicate things need to be handled with care, to be honest i consider us all delicate things. There are a lot of romantic themes in BDSM, chivalry and tradition in etiquette and protocol, sacrifice and duty in selflessness and ownership, the dynamic between D/s itself is at its core fragile and unpredictable. If left unattended, […]
Welcoming Potential Dommes
Being a lifestyle Domme is more than just a role to be played in the bedroom. What does it look like when your Domme role is actually applied to day-to-day life as well? We can show you.
Thick skin
One of the amazing aspects of being among the kink community at large is the acceptance and inclusivity of all variations of diversity. It does not mean we are free from judgement or prejudice however, and we should remember that it requires discipline and dedication to remain in a positive headspace and routine. So many […]
It’s common for submissives to become passive when it comes to understanding what is behind many of the finer details of BDSM. In part this is due to a desire to be given permission to experience it fetishes, or seek only details that are of interest to a Dominant. Research however, is important in BDSM […]
Active submission means that a sub is actively engaged with their Dominant. This can be done though negotiation, scene planning, doing extra things above the expectations to make their Dominant happy. They understand that a dynamic is a journey and not the destination, seeking to grow with their Dominant and be part of the ongoing […]
On being an open book
I am addressing all of you who choose to read this, and i am thankful that you do. Recently i started posting my blog publicly and not just to our Dungeon website, a trove of information about our private Femdom group and resources for public consumption. It can be exhausting. Confronting readers, whether i am […]
Those boys in Peter Pan who ended up in Neverland were the ones who fell from their cradles in the nursery. After going unclaimed for 7 days they are sent to Neverland where they never grow up. Girls are never lost because they are far too clever according to the leader of the Lost Boys, […]
A dissolving of fabric, beginning with a small rip – it holds as long as you allow, while it moves over you – revealing more as you stretch the seams to fit. One quick tear in any place and it will quickly unravel, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. The struggle is deciding how long you […]
I will admit, this was a stated goal of mine. I’ve heard it and seen it from many since and i wish i could fast forward the clock for them and show them where this goal ends. There’s nothing to prevent someone for just going and being a slut, there’s ethical sluts, there’s abusive sluts, […]