Shoutouts Lots of buzz in the Divas Dungeon last week. Many new subs entering their trial period. Dommes Learning the ropes and joining the Family on our kinky journey! Our trail subs are rocking it and showing they belong inside the Divas Dungeon! There are big changes going on in the Dungeon, our notion workspace […]
Tag: kik group
Weekly Recap: Rope Week
Shoutouts Divas Dungeon would like to extend a warm welcome to Madame Folk, the newest Domme to join our kinky family! Happy to have you with us during our journey Madame Folk. Along with Madame Folk, Justin and Nick have joined the Dungeon as the newest trial subs, continuing their journey here at the Divas […]
Weekly Recap: Fashion week
Shoutouts What a fun week in the Divas Dungeon! We would like to give a shoutout to our newest Domme, Mistress Terena! Welcome aboard Mistress Terena, we are excited to have You with us on our kinky journey and looking forward to your guidance. We also have a new permanent Dungeon sub mark! Welcome aboard […]
Weekly Recap: Psychology
Shoutouts Would like to give a special shoutout to mark and danny, you two are rocking it! Keep up the great work! Both Danny and mark have stepped up in our Dommeslife chat room, added some new daily discussion topics as well. Stop by in Kik and say hi today for some good conversation. […]
The Arts Week

Shoutouts We would like to congratulate our newest permanent Dungeon sub, Danny! Way to go! Danny jumped in with both feet and has really embraced the lifestyle. Welcome to the F/family Danny! Our newest trial sub mark is doing a wonderful job, hard working, he has really hit the ground running. Keep up the good […]
Welcoming Potential Dommes

Being a lifestyle Domme is more than just a role to be played in the bedroom. What does it look like when your Domme role is actually applied to day-to-day life as well? We can show you.

On its face this statement is true, but an explanation is necessary. This is a blanket one size fits all general statement and as most stereotypical statements it doesn’t hold up when truly analyzed. Using the logic that made this statement you could argue that shooting fireworks, cooking a roast in a pressure cooker, or […]

Alone with an orgasm Recently I had the opportunity as a group task to attempt to orgasm through anal stimulation alone. Now when I say alone I am referring to completely alone both in other types of stimulation and physically being alone. Of course I have had plenty of orgasms by myself, stroking a quick […]

I was looking up a lot of sites and forums on the internet and picked my brain for the last days on how to approach this myth. There are no facts or studies about this anywhere i looked. Probably i have missed something because i tend to not see things that are right in my […]

This myth, like most myths, is born out of ignorance, inexperience, and misunderstanding. In my opinion one of the main roots of this myth is a misunderstanding or lack of thought of how control or power is exchanged in a Dominant/submissive relationship. This myth stems from the assumption that the power, control, or influence that […]