Daily Panty Blog

Subs with attitude

Confidence can be hard to come by, as a submissive it is not always apparent and sometimes not appreciated but you should never be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through. For myself it felt unnatural at first, searching for the line between individuality and compliance, asserting and assigning myself a role, […]

Beginners Guides

A Beginner’s Guide to Butt Plugs

This guide is designed to give you the basics of what to look for in a butt plug, mistakes to avoid, and helpful suggestions for ensuring success in discovering the joy of plugging up your butt. It is important to have real toys Here’s what to look out for and why: A flared base on […]

Daily Panty Blog

Pink fluffy cupcake

My complexion, my hobbies, and my taste(s) are vanilla – which is why pink frosting to me is the most appealing. Euphemisms aside, i enjoy the duality of being a professional, a visible and respected leader (that’s debatable), while also being a sweet and savoury tart. I recognize that pink icing tastes the same as […]

Daily Panty Blog

Ruining surprises

It’s the ruined orgasm of birthday protocol, finding out your gift in advance and then the experience of opening / receiving it. There’s something similar in revealing the details of a scene for me, unless it’s terrifying, the excitement is tempered in the preparation. There are some who enjoy revealing surprises, i fall into this […]

Daily Panty Blog

If you dip, just the tip

Too much of a good thing can ruin the enjoyment of the things we enjoy most. Efficient sex should include a good hard pounding, it’s great in a pinch but it’s not what i would call ‘a good rogering’. Ramming home the point, efficient sex is like a great high five, you can hit it […]

Daily Panty Blog

A touch of class and a hint of romance

Romanticism is the glorification and edification of the individual – a concept born out of a desire to reject change at a time when the industrial revolution threatened to favour progress based on science over concepts based on intuition and nature. It’s hard to believe that the rejection of progress was responsible for recognition of […]

Daily Panty Blog

Smooth skin secrets

I’ve done research and according to everything i have read my daily routine in the shower is as good as i can do for taking care of my skin, but i feel like there are tips and tricks out here i don’t know about. If you’re reading this if you have any, please share. My […]

Daily Panty Blog

Pre-cum in my pants

Sometimes (often) after taking my daily panty pictures for Mistress i drip pre-cum into my pants. There can be a spot on my panties where it pools and i can feel it rubbing against my tip. If the panties are thin or perhaps crotchless then it usually collects in different places on my thigh or […]

Daily Panty Blog

Pockets of pleasure

I had a teacher who once began the year by announcing to the class that she had really large pockets for taking all of our toys away. Well… i was thinking maybe her tight corduroy pants couldn’t possibly hold all my toys. They must have holes in them. What if i gave her some of […]

Daily Panty Blog

Being a giver and a pleaser and other BS

I like to lick vaginas. I really really like bringing sexual pleasure to my partner but how is this an acceptable introduction? Just because i like doing it doesn’t mean i am really good at it. If i am really good at it, that still doesn’t mean i am any better at it than somebody […]