Creative Writing

Burning for Chip’s Wood

He arrived in town in a fog, his old 2 door coupe wheezing it’s way to the fire station in anonymity but was immediately identified through the haze as that big city boy. Naomi watched from the her window as he stepped out of his car, tall and clean in tight denims and a loose […]

Daily Panty Blog

Red hot rain

I have this fantasy, connected to my crave of touch and my desire to be exposed, to feel warm rain cascading over my body. It touches my skin as warm water, then becomes hot as it drips down my scorching skin. The air that surrounds me is mostly steam, and the clothes, if there are […]

Daily Panty Blog

Adding some color

I grew up watching a lot of old movies in black and white, my perception and visualization of the past also became images and scenes read or recounted playing in my mind in gray-scale. It’s like the saying hindsight is always 20/20, i find myself more and more reserving judgement in favor of adding color […]

Daily Panty Blog

Rare and precious gems

It’s difficult to tell the difference between real jewels and fake jewels at a glance, so why does it matter? In your search for something exquisite, what you end up with really depends on how you approach your goal. In BDSM, taking time, doing research, and setting realistic goals will ultimately get you the faster, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Hiding in the shadow of the King’s robe

I feel naked when i am dressed, and i feel awkward being naked. I’m not good at hugging, yet i long to be touched. Where it stems from is a desire to be humble, and live modestly, not seeking to fulfill my own needs, but understanding how i can make an impact, leave a footprint, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Keeping all my eggs in my basket

There’s a delicate nature i crave at times, it’s very much a desire to be nurtured, protected, and comforted. I look for things i can hold onto and words i can use that will make me feel coddled. There’s a numbness that surrounds me, and where i am typically hypersensitive to touch, when in this […]

Daily Panty Blog

Pearls of wisDomme: What makes a good scene or task truly great

There are so many elements that go into every good scene, ensuring communication, safety, consent and negotiation go without saying. Having a clear expectation of the outcomes and goals is also important, but how do you ensure the success of that plan. Time is the most critical component and often overlooked. Making sure that it […]

Daily Panty Blog

Pearls of wisdom: subspace is all about your emotions

Something i recently questioned is the nature of subspace, if it can be attained as a goal and if it’s misunderstood. I often describe my own experience as coming easily, a loss of control or an acceptance caused by an altered mental state. A word can put me there, so how is it so easy […]

Daily Panty Blog

Paper thin lines and your assumptions of others

A friend of mine wrote on his blog about how quick to judgment we can all be, especially when it comes to assessing someone’s motives. Over time we become conditioned by our surroundings, entering a new environment or dynamic can sometimes create a conflict of expectations. The importance of communication and boundaries go without saying […]

Daily Panty Blog

Worshiping the glit

As much as i love glitter, i am not a member of the gliterroti, and i do not have an affinity for glitophilia. When i sparkle, i sparkle for Mistress. It’s not a single act of service or a solitary purposeful slutformation, it’s carefully applying the right lipstick to my cock head, dipping my penis […]