BDSM Education Roleplay

Caregiver/little (CG/l) dynamics

The Caregiver/little dynamic involves one partner (the D-type) taking on a parental type role, and the s-type taking on the role of someone younger than they actually are (the little). Littles range from babies to teenagers and can even change ages within a dynamic. A dynamic can be polyamorous or monogamous and can involve any […]

BDSM Education Roleplay

Age Play – Acronyms

Next to each acronym, we have included the *BDSM capitalisation version as we have used both versions throughout our writing depending on the context of the acronym used.  *BDSM capitalization is the practice of capitalizing or using all lower-case pronouns to denote the role or status of BDSM participants. According to BDSM capitalization rules, proper […]