BDSM Education Roleplay

Caregiver/little (CG/l) dynamics

The Caregiver/little dynamic involves one partner (the D-type) taking on a parental type role, and the s-type taking on the role of someone younger than they actually are (the little). Littles range from babies to teenagers and can even change ages within a dynamic. A dynamic can be polyamorous or monogamous and can involve any […]

BDSM Education Roleplay

Introduction to Age Play

Age Play is generally understood to be either a sexual or non-sexual type of role-playing where consenting adults identify with an age or age range different from their own chronological age. Within Age Play there are kinks and fetishes, as well as lifestyle identities, power exchange and dynamics. Ageplayers can role play in a wide […]

BDSM Education Roleplay

Age Play – Acronyms

Next to each acronym, we have included the *BDSM capitalisation version as we have used both versions throughout our writing depending on the context of the acronym used.  *BDSM capitalization is the practice of capitalizing or using all lower-case pronouns to denote the role or status of BDSM participants. According to BDSM capitalization rules, proper […]