Daily Panty Blog

Woah, that’s heavy doc

Some thoughts really turn me around, take my line of thinking and turn it on it’s head. I discussed today how my life would be different if all aspects of BDSM were public, accepted and norms in society. What struck me was not how it would impact my current relationships and day to day activities, […]

Daily Panty Blog

Submissives, overcomplicating the D, and the purpose of doilies

A doily is meant to protect objects, bind objects together and improve the overall presentation of objects. To a submissive, these same characteristics can be applied to the archetype of the D they seek to find. Someone who will provide a safe way to explore their submissive needs, guide them from errors and care for […]

Daily Panty Blog

Things you cover up

There are so many ways to hide, but there are so many reasons not to. When you hide it is out of fear, something you don’t want others to see, something you want to do without judgement, something you may not want to admit. Imagine the feeling when you come out from behind the curtain. […]

Daily Panty Blog

The beautiful and delicate petals of a flower

Soft like a puff of cloud, to the touch they hardly seem to be there at all. The more delicate and deliberate the delivery, the more they appear to move, manipulate and draw the most sensual of caresses to and from the tips of desperate and starched finger tips. Yes, submissives are a deceiving decor […]

Daily Panty Blog

Getting in tune with your G string

The toughest string for me to tune on my mandolin is the G string. It’s low, it’s loose and inconsistent with its pitch. There’s certainly a parallel between getting in tune and maintaining a headspace. An instrument lying dormant will take a while to get back into tune consistently, similarly a frenzy after being out […]

Creative Writing

Treo gets Oreo Cookies

It had been years since the great battles where Tigers fought off the onslaught of Lions and Elephants who threatened to steal their land, their resources and their women. Treo now worked as a clerk in an office, 9-5 doing data entry fighting battles in the boardroom – how he longed to sink his teeth […]

Daily Panty Blog

Stopping Right Where You Are

Some moments deserve to be savoured, and are often missed along the way. It’s right now, right where you are right now. Any moment and every moment in your day has something in it worth savouring, it’s up to you to determine it. For me, looking at my pictures, i remember this moment, i was […]

Daily Panty Blog

Feeling With Your Eyes

Slowly the canopy lowers over my eyes as i stare inwardly. My thighs tight, straining to pull to the center all the desire in me and light rolls over them, warming my hips and filling my balls with a desperation to hold onto it a moment longer. From the dimples surrounding my collarbone, pools of […]

Daily Panty Blog

Your Best Resource for BDSM

The foundations of BDSM are anchored in trust, the best source for growth are also and always going to be placed you can trust. If you are new to the scene, join a local munch or online social community and listen, ask questions, and gather as many opinions as possible. If you have experience, ask […]

Creative Writing

Selective & Subconscious Mistakes & Punishments

Often i wonder how many mistakes i make on purpose, hoping to be caught. Little ones and big ones, for the purpose of receiving punishment or the opportunity to correct oneself, it’s very common in BDSM to see mistakes being made well before they even happen. What causes this can be fun, wanting to draw […]