Daily Panty Blog

D-types and their lists

There is a common misconception that Dominants instinctively know what to do and have the memory of elephants. Many make claims to support this theory, but the truth is the most involved and experienced Dominants usually set goals and challenges for their subs because they have the same expectations for themselves. Many submissives view the […]

Daily Panty Blog

The comfort in routine

Protocols are not just for reaffirming obedience and compliance, they are an important part of maintaining a balanced headspace. Managing your daily routine can be an empowering experience, it can help you find time to do the things you enjoy the most, and reward yourself for doing the things you enjoy the least. There is […]

Daily Panty Blog

Feeding those trolls

We hold the power over out feelings and we always will, until we allow someone to assert their  feelings over top our own. The old adage – if you ignore it, they will go away – is actually true. The power you have is how you respond. When emotions get involved it is usually at […]

Daily Panty Blog

In appreciation of appreciation

Sometimes i wonder if anyone is watching, when i do things, when i say things, that are for the benefit of others. Our reason for doing things for others should never matter, but it is natural to want our efforts to be recognized. My suggestion – appreciate that you had the chance. When we do […]

Daily Panty Blog


It is as simple as it sounds. When someone smiles over the phone, you can hear it. When someone smiles when you kiss them, you can taste it. When you surprise someone from behind, when you cover their eyes with their cheeks, their nose, you can feel it. When someone smiles, you smile. Smile because […]

Daily Panty Blog

The calm before

My mindset is such that i promote the positive and it is an ongoing dialogue – so yeah, you’re not alone in talking to yourself. If you read out loud in your head however, then you should really  consider… just kidding, i do that too. What i say to myself are positive thoughts to motivate […]

Daily Panty Blog

Happy relationships start where you are happy

Every year around Christmas an inordinate amount of people decide that nothing will bring themselves and other as much joy as a puppy. So these tiny bundles appear under trees and many of them are quickly returned or given a second home or third, it’s not a good time to be a puppy. If you […]

Daily Panty Blog

Panties of the 80s

I love most things about the 80s, but i think the thing i like the best about the 80s are really stretch panties appearing in pornos that i watched growing up. The nostalgia of fluorescent colors is not lost on me, the advent of leotards worn over tights, the invention of the thong leotard completely […]

Daily Panty Blog

Party dress

You only get one chance to make a first impression, going to a party can make you question how you want to present yourself. Simple rule is dress for how you want others to approach you, the mood, the topics, all can be determined by how you dress. Consider how you view others at the […]

Daily Panty Blog

Perfect circles

Things that happen in your life are circular, they come to an end, sometimes suddenly, some circles we may not even recognize we are in the middle of until we reach the end and have to start over. If you have ever tried to draw a circle freehand then you know it is easier than […]