Daily Panty Blog

Right in the Middle

The Fuckening Part II They paused for a moment at the door, She surveyed Her boy with pride and opened it without Her eyes leaving his. “Kneel” She sang sweetly with honey in Her voice. He knelt there in the hallway eyes inspecting Her lovely feet. “Cupcake” She said in a forced whisper, his eyes […]

Daily Panty Blog

Finally the Beginning

The Fuckening Part I “Now get on the bed, you need to expose your ass to me” She said as She unclipped the leash from his collar. He leapt onto the bed and dutifully exposed his ass to Her, his metal princess plug still in. It wasn’t long before She returned, now in Her leathers. […]

Daily Panty Blog

His Bridal Panties

It was a long day, in only a matters of hours he would be Hers. The guests would fill the dark hall with laughter and excitement, he would fill the spaces in between with his desire and anticipation. He would wear white as was the custom, a sign of his chaste devotion, a bow would […]

Daily Panty Blog

Calm Still

Why do we fidget when there’s a lot on our minds? Twitching legs, tapping fingers, biting nails… It’s the focus on a solitary action that pulls us forward, away from an avalanche of thoughts and stimulants around us. Sometimes i can feel it slipping, yet expertly She brings it back. Other times i can be […]

Daily Panty Blog

Your Grace

There was a calmness in him that matched the still of the crisp wintry air beyond the double paned glass. Whisps of frozen mist sauntered in and out of view as his eyes lost focus on the outside world, soothing thoughts of warm vevet and fresh frangrant magos, gift from his Queen kept him sweltering […]

Daily Panty Blog

Because You Smile

If it makes You smile it makes me smile. It’s contagious, it’s a remedy, it’s the cause of nothing but good, because You smile. When i need to smile, i start with making You smile. I’m happy because You smile. I wear glitter panties because You smile. That’s what makes these panties special ?

Daily Panty Blog

A Tiger Cannot Change it’s Stripes

Do you get jealous? Are you envious of others? Have you been comparing yourself? There will always be someone else, and there will always be you. Remember what you are best at, others are looking at you the same way, wishing for the things you take for granted about yourself that you can’t change. These […]

Daily Panty Blog

Goes With Anything?

Where do you fit and what makes your submission unique? Is it important for you to fit a mold or an archetype? Everyone views this differently, but to me that means everyone is unique. Like these panties, black goes with everything, but it doesn’t mean they fit everyone the same. That’s what makes these panties […]

Daily Panty Blog

Did You See That Wolf Blood Moon Thing?

Everyone seeing it at the same time is not what makes it special. Shared moments are what make it special. If a tree falls in the woods, and only a naked exhibitionist hears it, he doesn’t get wood. Don’t be afraid of what’s out there When you venture out into the wilderness, share your experience […]

Daily Panty Blog

Double Naughted

Mistakes. You can’t make them on purpose but you can become an expert in the field. Second chances can be more rewarding than the first, because you learn more in the process. Trying hard and then trying hard again teaches you to learn from your mistakes, shows that you are willing to give twice the […]