Creative Writing

Selective & Subconscious Mistakes & Punishments

Often i wonder how many mistakes i make on purpose, hoping to be caught. Little ones and big ones, for the purpose of receiving punishment or the opportunity to correct oneself, it’s very common in BDSM to see mistakes being made well before they even happen. What causes this can be fun, wanting to draw […]

Daily Panty Blog


Does nudity, profanity, and adult situations make films more interesting? I have to admit i get excited when the disclaimer comes on – viewer discretion is advised – it sends a slight shiver down my spine. Adding a little R-18 into every day life can send a little shiver down your spine too. Make the […]

Submissive Submissions

Happy Valentine’s Day

Grab someone you have consent from, tie a ribbon around them and lick their cinnamon hearts until they or your tongue beg for mercy.

Daily Panty Blog

The Morning After

That sugar rush is gone, Valentine’s Day is over – are you crashing from a full day sugar high? Is your tongue burning from cinnamon heart overload? Or are you doing the walk of shame, still wearing those clothes from the night before? Either scenario is a badge of honor and you should treat it […]

Daily Panty Blog

Purple Panties, Presents and Propaganda

When the Hallmark holidays come around are you a romantic or a cynic? I have a friend who brags about how he and his partner celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 15, the day after Valentine’s day, because chocolate is half the price that day. He’s not kidding, he has been touting this fact for the […]

Daily Panty Blog

BDSM Pulleys and Levers

How do you leverage the tools and resources you have available to you in order to achieve your goals? I have noticed that, as many enter the scene as an exploration of one – or a development and understanding of self – most choose to remain on a path of self discovery and self awareness. […]

Daily Panty Blog

Stage Fright

Performance anxiety would be another name for this wonderful thing we sometimes go through when we are unable to ‘perform under pressure’. So what can you do about it? It’s no different in fact than any other form of anxiety, it’s a question of motivation and headspace, endurance and fatigue. Whatever you do for self […]

Submissive Submissions

The balance

Submissive Submissions

Poking an eye out


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