Daily Panty Blog

Purple Panties, Presents and Propaganda

When the Hallmark holidays come around are you a romantic or a cynic?

I have a friend who brags about how he and his partner celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 15, the day after Valentine’s day, because chocolate is half the price that day. He’s not kidding, he has been touting this fact for the 13 years that i have known him, and i know it to be true.

So he is cynical for refusing to celebrate a holiday when others do, simply because it benefits him to do something else. Or he is cynical because he believes every other person who celebrates the holiday, does so only to follow what others are doing.

The thing is, he is an incredibly romantic person, and this act of defiance by penny pinching is something he and his partner do together as a symbol of their affection for one another.

Teying to learn from this example, this year i am taking the opportunity to show my appreciation on Valentine’s Day without chocolate and poems, but with other symbols that make it uniquely ours.

That’s what makes these panties special ?

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