We talk of needs yet so many are quick to dismiss them when obstacles appear. When are you going to be free of obstacles? When would it be a good time for you to fulfill your needs exactly?
As a manager i am presented with obstacles daily and i respond to all problems presented to me the same way – don’t tell me the problem, tell me the solution, what are doing about it and how can i help?
Two issues are coming into play when unfulfilled needs are presented; the first is the expectation that others will be able to solve the problem and fill the need, and second is that more often the problem has existed for so long that it requires fulfilling multiple needs all at once. If you have been unable to fulfill your needs on your own, this alone is not a reason for someone else to figure out how to make it work. Also, when you come with an all or nothing approach, it is impossible to come away feeling satisfied.
When asked what advice you would give to new kinksters, the answer is usually go slow, take baby steps, ask question, be safe and stay humble. Essentially, come with realistic expectations.
The length of time you have been in the scene should not determine how you choose to fulfill your needs. If your needs are so important to you, isn’t it worth it to have the same approach when they are not being fulfilled?
This rant brought to you by Mistress’s favourite shade of purple, of all my panties i think She would prefer to own these as a matching pair. Made me feel all confident like i could rant and be a big boy in my pretty panties.
That’s what makes these panties special 😉