It’s such an unlikely source of pleasure, if one considers everything we knew about our butts before we knew it’s full potential. For its beauty, its ability to take a beating and for the hidden gems that lie beneath, exploring the cavernous reaches of our backsides is a wonderful endeavour.
Appreciating the tush begins aesthetically, beautiful globes that accentuate and demarcate the separation of our upper and lower bodies, the most obvious and visible sign of our strength as a species. Yoga pants, mini skirts and thongs, i thank you for your great ability to frame and highlight those most glorious of assets (pun intended). Worship is a common fetish surrounding the butt, and goes deeper than appearances alone.
Massages, impact play, cleaning and shallacking the buns and the spaces in between are tactile experiences that add layers of stimulation. From twerking to spanking, the sounds and sights of the movement of those gorgeous moons is mesmerizing and hypnotizing. Ultimately an invitation to touch, to play is simply the gateway to deeper exploration.
Between those two ice cream scoops drips a lustful gift for all, a treat that can be exploited from all angles, penetrated in multiple ways, and manipulated to produce a variety of results. This is the reason the thong for me is the perfect clothing item, it splits the orbs down the middle and buries itself deep inside. Massaging and probing, impossible to ignore.
That’s what makes these panties special 😉