What is ball stretching and why?
Ball stretching is done for many reasons. Some enjoy the aesthetics and ball envy of having a pair of low hangers, while others enjoy the swing of a pendulous pair of balls. Others will declare they enjoy the feeling of an elongated orgasm. Personally I love all of the above, but the aesthetics of both having low hangers and the look and feel of metal against my balls is a sensation that I truly enjoy.
Wearing Ball Stretchers
- Take a Shower
- Grab your scrotum on each side – Pull the skin down and out – Hold for about 45 seconds
- Make the OK sign with your hand while looping it around the top of your ball sack -Run this circle downward to the top of your balls – Pull downward for about a minute
- Release and repeat this exercise while pulling to the left and the right sides for 30-45 seconds each side – Using the same OK sign style grasp, now pull your balls straight up, reaching for your navel
- Using the OK hand gesture looped around your ball sack, pull downward as you hold your penis upward – Pull with enough tension that the skin between being stretched starts to feel warm and slightly stingy – Hold this pose for anywhere between several seconds to a few minutes
This routine can then be repeated out of the shower, rotating steps 1-4 for 45 minutes / day
Wearing Ball Stretchers
Wearing leather stretchers or metal weights is fun, easy, and beneficial all in one package. In general, there are a few guidelines that apply to both leather stretchers and ball weights. They are as follows:
Always use a lubricant. Shea butter promotes skin elasticity which in turn promotes skin stretch and cellular multiplication. Always apply lubrication to the underside top and bottom sides of long weights and in the underside center of short weights on the scrotal hang.
Be aware of any pain while wearing leather stretchers or metal weights. If pain is felt, examine the scrotal sack for color changes or temperature changes. Please note that after “permanent” weight, which have been worn an extended period of time, have been removed there may be a return of a dull lingering ache in one or both of the spermatic cords. This is normal and will diminish over a day or two if the weights are not reapplied.
Safety First
Warmth and relaxation are extremely important for successful ball stretching. Same goes for any device you wish to use. If you use steel ball weights, it’s important to warm them before use. Running them under the hot water before use is a good way to go. Never put on any stretching devices on a wet skin – it can lead to infections.
Don’t forget to apply a lot of lube on your scrotum before you put your device on. A good lubricant will make the whole process smoother so you will be able to put your ball stretching device on without any problems. Also, the lube will ensure that the ball weight sits comfortably.
Remember: ball weights should not cause any pain or discomfort. If you experience any of these problems, you should take your device off. Avoid wearing tight underwear or pants that are too tight (if you choose to wear your ball stretchers outside).
GUIDE – Ball Stretching Tips
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