Would like to give a special shoutout to mark and
Our Lovely Dommes have been working tirelessly to make sure the Divas Dungeon is the most Elite Femdom group there is. Thank You Dommes for everything that You do for U/us!
Divas Dungeon is continuing to make big changes. We are adding more Dommes and more subs to the Dungeon. If interested email us here or drop by our Kik screening room #DivasDungeon.
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Compulsory task
What a thoughtful week here in the dungeon as we dug deep into the psychology behind BDSM. Some amazing articles sprung from our subs as well as tasks that made them think and pushed them out of their comfort zone. Always good to see subs out and about while plugged and edging! The body writing was amazing! The negative words really had an effect on everybody, our talented subs fought back and came through stronger than ever! Way to E/everybody! Enjoy your reward of riding your dildo trying to achieve that wonderful hands

Domme fun
The Dommes have had some fun this week. For optional random task rewards, Mistress Michelle posted a fun game of “three

With the added stipulation of using my vibe while tying off my wrist by Mistress Michelle.

Before I started here two weeks ago not that much, I had to get through the day and prepare for work the next day. Now in order to go to sleep feeling accomplished I have to work out daily, make sure my apartment is clean, that I wrote in my journal and accomplished some tasks. I’m not saying that before I joined everything was chaotic, it’s just that there is a greater sense of order since starting and standards are beginning to increase thanks to the Higher Powers of the Dungeon!
There are two things that bring me satisfaction at the end of each day, having either one makes me satisfied, having both makes me feel completely fulfilled. The first is being happy through maintaining my self-care needs, enjoying my protocols, completing my work, appreciating my chores. The second is ensuring I have satisfied the needs of others, that I feel my efforts have been received and were valued, and the acknowledgment from Mistress that it is so.
For me to be satisfied at the end of each day I want to have done something memorable every day. I’ve had a
Dannycouple o f close calls with my life before so I know how short life is and previous little time I have to make memories and make a difference. So once a day at least I try to do something either outside of my comfort zone or reach out and make new people. I want every day of my life to have meaning and an impact and to not waste my time. So as long as I make a memory or make an impact on someone I am satisfied