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Self growth topic: Over-analyzing

I think most people are guilty of doing this, especially in a new relationship. Its almost natural because you are excited about everything and replay certain events in your mind over and over. But when you start panicking or playing detective, that’s when the trouble starts.

There are hundreds of great articles on this subject, I only referenced a couple although I read many more. Each one has insight into why this is a destructive force not only to yourself but your relationship as well. Its interesting reading to say the least as I can get this way if I start having any doubts.

Knowing that I can do this is what led me to research this as a self growth topic and it really has been beneficial to review the little things about this than can destroy a relationship. It was great and I feel better after reading it all. A reminder at times can go a long way to refocusing attention.

This quote was great and I had to share it.
After too much analysis, you’re often damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Here’s why.

If you decide things are going super well, you can get clingy and make the other person feel suffocated. If you decide things are going horribly, you can prematurely shut things down and sabotage it or unintentionally give off the vibe that you aren’t interested.

This article had some good tips and things to watch for. A message for instance isn’t a detective novel that you need to find evidence in. It’s just a message and nobody is perfect, we are all human.

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