Daily Panty Blog

I’ve got like three pounds of underwear on here

Black is a shade, not a color. When I presented three black pairs of panties to Mistress, she demanded color and took away my precious panties for the day. Finding the beauty in being nude to me felt like being in a black and white film, without my color – as Mistress pointed out – […]

Daily Panty Blog

Working it vs. Owning it

How you get there isn’t as important as making sure you find the part of you that gets the job done, and the part of you that recognizes and appreciates it. Searching for motivation and waiting for recognition can leave you dead in your tracks do decide where you are coming from and go get […]

Daily Panty Blog

Shocks and Triggers – Why the intense response

Without warning our circumstances can change, and without notice or premeditation our bodies and minds can swing in dramatic ways. There is a moment between realization and reality, between a physical exertion and pain, when our minds lose the ability to process the changes brought forth by external forces. I love these moments, i don’t […]

Submissive Submissions


I returned to the Playgirl Mansion after receiving my second formal invitation. This time when i opened the card there were no words, just a picture of a purple horse and the time 12:30pm. I drove to the male entrance as i had done previously, i wore shorts this time and a plain white t-shirt […]

Submissive Submissions

Caption That

Submissive Submissions

Caption That

Submissive Submissions

Caption That

Daily Panty Blog

Ensconced in satin

When i first discovered my love of wearing panties, i felt a need to validate the desire. Without confronting the idea of femininity, i focused on the fit – thong, hipster, g-string – that was far different from traditional male underwear, and the material which is much softer and more appealing. I can now appreciate […]

Daily Panty Blog

Whack a moles and glorious holes

Trying new things can be… trying. I love surprises, i am also the type of person who learns from hands on experiences and trial and error. In seeking out new experiences, i tend to look for things that are attainable, but even experiences that are easily within reach and be difficult and have obstacles. I […]

Daily Panty Blog

Absolutism and a fear of being tied down

Very few things in life are black and white, but as rule followers or rule breakers, we regularly define our actions by the reason for or against competing priorities. A fear of being seen as a someone without ideals or values causes us to choose a position, and rarely change course after. Charting out new […]