This task had me thinking for days, watching endless how to’s and reading about custom toys, furniture and hundreds of other crazy fun things. Once I had some ideas i started through what I had available to work with and here at the apartment it is quite bare… Tools and supplies are all there. I almost had everything to make a spreader bar but not quite. So i kept digging until I found some suede that I had gotten to try some ties with but never used and some craft sticks for cbt. Enough to make a flogger hopefully. Laying it all out, adding a sharpie for color and some thin sinew that that i forgot about an idea slowly began to shape. Cutting the suede into even lengths, pressing them in between the sticks and wrapping it all with the sinew actually turned out a pretty decent little flogger. The weight is comfortable, length manageable and overall view acceptable. Fun project and if you had to do it from scratch it would cost about $10 but most of that is in the suede. Using paracord for example would put the project about half of that.
Sticks and strings