Taking pleasure in someone’s mistakes is amazing especially after you told them it would happen. That’s right, you should feel good about it because you were right.
If all you really wanted was to be right, you wouldn’t have offered your opinion in the first place. Some feel that being a hard ass it the only way to ensure the safety and care of those dear to you, but you don’t get that same satisfaction of being right. In fact, typically forcing someone to do what you want only creates a sense of resentment and blame when the outcome is not exactly as described.
Pointing out mistakes after the fact doesn’t tend to win many favours either, pointing out mistakes and flaws instead of suggesting constructive feedback. Being a smartass does little to impart wisdom, it only feeds off of the insecurities of others and is ineffective in producing any time of meaning change or offer any lesson worthy of contemplation.
Allowing someone to make mistakes shows a deeper level of trust, and being supportive when they do shows a level of care and responsibility for the well being of others. Feeling good about someone’s mistakes means you relish the opportunity to help in their development, you want the responsibility and accept them for their imperfections. Being humble can only occur when one feels safe showing who they are, and it is the foundation for sharing in a journey of self exploration growth and development.
I have a tendency to wear Her heart on my ass, as often as i can, with great humility and gratitude.
That’s what makes these panties special 😉