Sensory Deprivation
Removing one or more of the senses in order to amplify the sensations of the remaining ones. It is a quick way to elevate feelings of vulnerability and submission, and can be disorienting as well as overwhelming.
Temperature Play
Simply put, temperature play is the act of using hot or cold to elicit a response from the skin. Commonly, food items like melted chocolate are used for heat and ice cubes for cold in scenes.
Wax Play
A form of temperature play, wax borrows elements from edge play adding a live flame as a visual stimulus as well. Wax play uses hot wax from a candle to lightly burn the skin.It requires research and is an advanced form of play because of the degree of risk involved.
Chemical Play
Chemical play involves the use of substances – usually liquid form, that irritate and react with the skin. Some oils and lotions actually have the ability to create a chemical burn and safety precautions should be used.
Impact Play
Impact play is the practice of using force – often repeatedly, on targeted partos of the body. As a response to pain, blood flow to the affected is increased, heightening sensation. The area of impact, amount of force, and width as well as weight of the object, will alter the sensation.
Tips for Safe Play
- Start slowly, take small steps within each sensation play type to test results before going further.
- Be aware of any physical complications that could be a safety issue, including allergies and irritants.
- Look for signs of skin discoloration, lacerations, or rashes.
- Pay close attention to breathing and work out safewords and signals in advance.
- Research different materials and forms of sensation play before starting, look for the risk profiles of each.
- When just starting, expect to keep the scenes short. Have the required first aid on hand and plan aftercare up front.
If you have any concerning injuries, an allergic reaction or trouble breathing, please seek medical advice or attention immediately. Always have your emergency contact details written down as you may not always be able to access your phone. It can also be helpful to make a note on whether or not they know about your BDSM lifestyle.

Your hands are your best sensation tool. Massage, tickle, stroke. Run your nails over sensitive areas, alternating the pressure and intensity. Light slaps, pinches or flicks and twists of the nipples for a spark of pain and pleasure.
These educational topics wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication from our Dom(me)sLife contributors – Thank you MM
Contributors: This article was researched and written and edited by Mistress Michelle and published by Umlindi.