Divas Dungeon would like to extend a warm welcome to Madame Folk, the newest Domme to join our kinky family! Happy to have
There are big changes going on in the Dungeon, our notion workspace is in a major overhaul as well as our dungeon screening and tasks. Come be part of our wonderful journey as we grow and become the most Elite Femdom Dungeon there is. Drop by on kik or join our screening room #DivasDungeon to join us on our kinky journey.
Cupcakes daily panty blog continues to astonish readers on here and Fetlife. He takes us through his daily journey and share his thoughts, his wisdom and advice. Thank you cupcake for the amazing insights into this Lifestyle. Not to mention, you look amazing in your special daily panties hand
Continue to follow us on Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest for the latest and greatest up to the minute action here!
Compulsory Tasks
Ever wanted to see subs tied up and struggling in rope? If you answered yes, this is the week for you! The Divas Dungeon dove deep into a pile of rope and joined the massive rope movement! Discussing the type of rope, knots, uses, and so many other kinky topics.

Jems topic on “ropespace” and how to achieve it paired great with Marks topic on “safety”. Both achieved the Divas Excellence award! Bryan’s chest harness in the woods with his cowboy hat and wranglers was super sexy. Although he feels a little violated being watched by the deer. Mark never fails to let his personality come through as he paraded around town in his chest harness showing it off for the Dommes! The crotch harness was amazing by all, each tied themselves up like any good rope slut! Sam never fails to amaze as he has become a rope master, he showed off his fit body in a couple of ties that had the Dommes “Divas Excellence” rating! Jems outdoor exhibitions showed off his amazing rope work and a very fit cupcake. All in all, a great ropey week here in the Divas Dungeon!
Mistress Michelle gave the subs a little temperature play with wax for their reward. Amazing purple heart from Mark, way to go Mark, you have pleased the Dommes greatly!

Domme fun
Mistress Michelle found a new website and decided She needed a few victims,
Optional Tasks
These are the Divas Dungeon optional tasks. The Dommes create them, subs flock to them. They love them! Enjoy some of our subs creativity.
Caption That

Dommes Desire

What Happens Next?

She was outside enjoying the sun when he managed to open the door and crawl out on all fours and position himself in front of Her. ‘Awe, you want to play.’ She takes off Her sandal and lifts Her foot in front of his face. He begins to drool as he sees Her fresh pedicured foot right before his eyes. She loves seeing him in this humiliating position and moves Her foot closer to his mouth, toying his lips with Her toes. He’s been well-trained by Her so he knows not to do anything til the time is right. She opens his drooling mouth with Her big toe and allows him to suck on it. She leans back in pleasure mostly from knowing the control that She has over him. As She gets more and more excited She starts to become more aggressive moving more toes into his mouth. As he slobbers all over Her foot drooling with excitement, She lets out a soft moan then rubs Her foot all over his face. ‘Good boy, you’ve earned a treat. Go get your collar and leash and we’ll go for a walk around the yard.’ He scurries away on all fours and comes back holding it in his mouth. “Sit there and look pretty til I’m ready” as She sits there for awhile longer and enjoys the warmth of the outdoors and of Her power.
Walking up to Kate’s house, rocko is nervous, excited, thrilled be going on another date with her. He can feel the nerves in his stomach, the uneasy feeling as he rings the door bell knowing she he already hinted at sex today. No answer as he rings again, then again, and again. Walking around he feels his worse fear, being stood up when he notices the side gate open, casually he finally works up the nerves to walk back there only to see her sitting in a chair drinking lemonade and waiting for him
“Ohh your back here” his crackly voice says
“Yeah, I decided it was a good day to sit outside and enjoy some cool fresh air. Come and join me” as her left eye winks, her gorgeous smile and beautiful legs and feet propped up before her.
Slowly making his way over, rocko grabs a chair and plops his butt into it….
“What are you doing?” She ask…
“Uhhh Having a seat”
“No, on your knees before me”
“Uhhhh yeah I don’t know that I want..”
She cuts him off mid sentence with a glaring stare, pointing at the ground “NOW”! Just like that he falls to his knees with flabbergasted look on his face, not sure what’s going on or why he’s on his knees. All he knows is she sits before him like a queen on her throne smiling as he adjust himself from the hard bricks on his tender knees. Not sure what to say or do, he figures it’s just best to stay in that position. He knew she was a little kinky but this??
“See, this is what I like, men on their knees before me.” Raising her foot toward his mouth and slowly tracing her toes around his lips. She can see in his eyes he wants to open up and suck them.
“Go ahead” she tells him. Figuring why not, she has beautiful feet, nicely manicured sparkly blue nail polish. Smelling the coconut lotion from her legs and feet, He opens up and take her toes into his mouth slowly sucking one by one as she leans back in her chair and stares at him, he catches her smile and it drives him to suck better.
“Our conversation other night about how you “accidentally” stumbled onto a fetish website and couldn’t get the page to close was such a lie. Ohh yeah you cant talk right now my foots in your mouth! Lol”
His eyes closed as his head bobs up and down each one of her precious toes, sometimes several at a time. He pushes himself to take more and painfully stretching his mouth open. She can see and feel the bulge in his shorts as her other foot taps his aching balls causing him to squirm and moan, the bulge visibly getting bigger and bigger as drool drips down off her foot.
“Hmmmmm that pretty cock of yours would look good encased in metal bars. Luckily i have a chastity cage handy that will solve that erection problem. Keep sucking, OHHH we will be having sex today, just a slight role reversal. You need to keep sucking, you still have a ways to go before your mouth fits over my cock!”

Something got over him and he wasn’t his normal easy, going self. He started mouthing off to Her, not wanting to do the tasks that were assigned to him. She saw that things were leading up to this inevitable showdown.
When he got out of the shower drying his hair, he started talking about what they should do this weekend. She has Her back to him the entire time and waits til he’s done talking his gibberish before She makes Her move.
‘Sit down and listen to me very carefully.’
I’m tired of listening to you talk thinking you know anything’ She puts the crop under his chin. ‘Do you hear me? Do you understand me?’ She taps his chin lightly.
‘Yyyyes’ he starts to become excited knowing that She is taking control.
‘We’re going to do things My way around here. All you’re allowed to be is my pet, my plaything, a piece of nothing that is here to amuse me.’
‘Yyyes, it’s so difficult though I can’t help but fight back’ he stutters.
‘I could help you with that, now get up bend over the chair. It’s time for you to learn your place and learn to enjoy it.’