Cupcake’s journey began in earnest; sparkle and shine, She will claim you as Mine.
Before long he glittered, his heart raced and it flittered, yet his mind it still jittered.
He soon took to dancing, leaping and prancing, inviting much glancing, still he kept on advancing.
To show his conviction, he tested restriction, and found contradiction, confliction and friction.
She picked him up off the ground, led him back to the trail, put a plug in his ass, with short fluffy tail.
This is a bit convoluted but my poem was inspired by the story of Peter Cottontail (Peter Rabbit) inspired me to compare journeys. He changes his name because he thinks others will like him better, he is willing to change who he is to please others.
In the end he does not live up to his name, his own expectations were too high, and decides to change it back to Peter Rabbit and be himself. It’s so incredibly relevant to most of us who feel the need to do better, try harder, and end up over-extend ourselves.
I have found that slowing down, asking for help, and pacing myself not only helps me reach my goals, but helps include others in them.
These panties allow lots of room for adjustments, if i don’t pace myself wearing them, i will pinch something.
That’s what makes these panties special 😉